Sunday 28 July 2013



Pulau Tiga is very well-known for its natural mud volcano that's never failed to make someone feel comfortable and having fun at the same time in the mud pool.

The Pulau Tiga Marine National Park is also well known as 'Survivor Island' because of the popular Million Dollar Prize Money TV series 'Survivor' by the CBS TV network, USA.

This is the exact island that the entire first series was filmed! The fact that this island was chosen was due to its untouched natural landscape and marine life.


The Turtle Island Park lies 40km north of Sandakan in the Sulu Sea and consists of Selingan, Bakungan Kecil and Gulisan islands. The park is a safe haven for the endangered green and hawksbill turtles and gives you the rare opportunity to watch turtle landings. Selingan, the largest of the islands, houses the park's headquarters, a turtle hatchery, tourist accommodation and basic facilities. The other two islands are more for conservation activities.

As turtle landings usually occur after dusk, an overnight stay would be the best plan to see the turtles as they come ashore to lay their eggs, but shining a light on them or using camera flashes should be avoided as either can be stressful on the creatures.

Turtles lay their eggs throughout the year, but the best time to head there is between July and October when the sea is calmer. Observe the collection of eggs, tagging of mother turtles and releasing of baby turtles into the sea.


The Maliau Basin is a place set on a sprawling 588.4 square kilometers land in Tawau, at the South Central Part of Sabah.

It contains an unusual assemblage of 12 forest types, comprising mainly of lower montane forest dominated by majestic Agathis trees, rare montane heath forest and lowland, and hill diperocarp forest. The highlight of the adventure is to trek the majestic 7 tiers Maliau Falls.

Keen visitors must, however, obtain a permission to enter the Maliau Basin in advance from Yayasan Sabah. Also bear in mind that Maliau Basin is a remote, atavistic and isolated area with limited access, communications and safety facilities.


The Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre was set up in 1964 to rehabilitate orphaned baby orang utan. Set in the lush 4,300-hectare Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve, the Centre under the administration of the Wildlife Department of Sabah attracts tourists and researchers alike, giving them the opportunity to watch the orang utan up close in their natural habitat. A boardwalk leads you to a viewing gallery and feeding platform where the apes are fed milk and bananas twice a day at 10.00am and 3.00pm by rangers. Feeding time also attracts long-tailed macaques to the area.

While orang utan rehabilitation is still the primary goal at Sepilok, it also focuses on public education on conservation, research and assistance on other endangered species such as the rhinoceros.

Visitors are restricted to walkways. Some orang utan have become familiar with people but touching them is strongly discouraged, and while the apes are naturally shy and gentle, the more mischievous ones may try to grab your camera or hat, in which case you should call for a ranger as trying to wrestle the 200 pound apes may not be a good idea.

For the more adventurous, there is trekking through mangrove forest. As this is under the Forestry Department, you will have to get a permit from them before trekking the 5km trail which runs through Sepilok Laut. You can also arrange for a boat return or accommodation in chalets in the forest


On a sprawling 438 square kilometer undisturbed land, 70 kilometers (44 miles) west of Lahad Datu, lies nature’s jewel called the Danum Valley Conservation Area. This conservation area boasts one of the richest conservation areas in the world with over 200 species of tree per hectare thriving on it.

Recognized as one of the world’s most complex ecosystem, this forest serves as a natural home for endangered wildlife species such as the Sumatran rhino, banteng, Asian elephant, clouded leopard, orang utan, proboscis monkey, as well as a vast range of Sabah’s lowland fauna.

Being remote from human habitation and almost alien to modern civilization makes the Danum Valley Conservation Area a naturalist paradise. Drink in the beauty of this virgin forest by taking nature walks with experienced naturalists through tranquil rivervine and lowland dipterocarp forest.

Avid birdwatchers will appreciate the 300-meter-long and 27-meter-high canopy walkway which offers a peek into abundant bird life in the forest canopy. The Danum Valley Conservation Area also has beautiful waterfalls and rivers including Sungai Purut 7-tiered pools .One of the most spectacular waterfalls and pools found in Danum Valley Conservation Area.

Here, visitors also get the chance to visit an ancient Kadazandusun burial site, complete with belian coffins and ceramic spirit jars. Three burial sites have been discovered in Danum Valley two near the field centre and one below the cliff, overlooking Borneo Rainforest Lodge.


Kinabalu Park was gazetted as the first State Park in Sabah in 1964 and declared Malaysia’s first World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the year 2000 for its outstanding biological attributes. A sprawling 75, 400 hectares, this melting pot of natural wonders is larger than Singapore.

Also the Centre of Plant Diversity for South East Asia, the Park boasts more than 5,000 vascular plant species, an estimated 1,000 orchid species, 621 fern species, nine Nepenthes species, 29 Rhododendron species and two Rafflesia species. The Park has no shortage of fauna as well, being home to some 90 lowland mammal species, 22 montane mammal species, 21 bat species, 326 bird species, 62 toad and frog species and a large population of the 850 butterfly species that occur in Sabah. Out of the 29 bird species that are endemic to Borneo, at least 17 are confined to the mountains, notably Mount Kinabalu. These include subspecies of the Red breasted Tree-partridge, Crimson-headed Wood-partridge and Mountain Blackbird. Such diversity is truly the makings of a naturalists’ paradise!

The main attraction at the Park is none other than the majestic Mount Kinabalu, one of the highest mountains in South East Asia standing at 4095.2 metres. Apart from traditional mountain climbing, visitors can also experience the Mountain Torq, the world’s highest and Asia’s first Via Ferrata or ‘iron road’ at 3,200m to 3,800m above sea level. The various routes on the northern rock faces of Mount Kinabalu consist of a ‘trail’ that is made up of iron rungs, palettes, cables and rails. Depending on the preferred difficulty level, visitors can enroll in various activities such as the intro to single pitch or multi pitch sports climbing, intro to rappelling (abseiling) and introduction to rope ascending. Mount Kinabalu attracts thousands of climbers from around world every year and is also the venue of the annual Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon.

Surrounding the Kinabalu Park is a multitude of natural attractions and enjoyable activities. The Kinabalu Natural History Gallery is a great place to familiarize with what the Park has to offer to through a fascinating exhibition on the flora, fauna and geological make-up of the Park. Video presentations are screened daily at the Liwagu’s Visitors Centre and guided tours are also available. Approximately half an hour from the Kinabalu Park headquarters is the Poring Hot Springs, located 400m above sea level. It features hot sulphur spring baths claimed to have therapeutic values, a 41-metre canopy walk where visitors can hike among the towering canopies, the refreshing Kipungit and Langanan waterfalls, various gardens, a butterfly farm and an orchid conservation centre. In Mesilau, hike along the acclaimed Mesilau trail where you can spot various pitcher plants particularly the Nepenthes lowii, Nepenthes tentaculata and Nepenthes rajah.

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